Turnaround Consulting


Do any (or all) of these statements sound like you? If so, I can help you save your business. Call me for a complimentary consultation today if:

  • You wake up in the middle of the night wondering how to make the decisions that will keep you in business
  • You feel overwhelmed trying to decide which suppliers to pay and when
  • You wonder if or when you should make staff reductions
  • You don’t have a reply when bankers ask when or how business will turn around
  • You don’t know what you are you going to do if business doesn’t turn around

You can’t afford to ‘go it alone’
You may already know your business is in trouble, but may lack the resources, experience or time to turn things around on your own. Trying to go it alone is not only a lonely, but ultimately a “sure-fail” response to a business crisis. Because you’re not an expert in business crisis management, you’re almost certain to make mistakes that will jeopardize your company. 

A business crisis needs crisis expertise
I have helped companies like yours recover from financial crisis and achieve even greater success for more than 25 years. At the most basic level, underperforming companies must stop doing some things they have been doing. From the inside, it can be difficult to see which of your practices have become damaging.  As a trusted and experienced turnaround expert, I analyze your unique business situation and provide a strategic blueprint for recovery. As your business recovers, I coach you to help you maintain your financial footing.

How it works:
When I walk in the door, I step directly into the middle of your crisis. I face vendors that have been stretched and working capital that has dwindled. I typically begin with calls to key creditors to take the pressure of you and or your management and restore necessary goodwill while I conduct a thorough analysis of your business. After getting a clear view of the conditions and practices that led to your current situation I prepare a customized turnaround plan with one ultimate goal: your success!

Results a Turnaround Consultant can achieve:
I re-establish creditability with vendors and lenders

  • I help identify assets that can be sold to raise cash
  • I provide objective, quantifiable ideas for improving cash flow, operating efficiency and strategic planning
  • I help you make and implement the tough decisions regarding staff reduction in order to stay in business
  • I prepare cash flow models to predict current/future cash requirements to manage stakeholder expectations
  • I serve as a facilitator between you and your lenders to renegotiate debt terms
  • I analyze your financial procedures and controls, organizational structure and customer profitability and make recommendations for improvement.
  • I develop a detailed turnaround plan and help you implement it
  • I evaluate cash needs and closely monitor all cash transactions